Blog spammers
Hello all,
I really haven't had much to say on this blog lately. And I figured that not much would happen here. What with emails, Yahoo Groups, Yahoo 360 sites, and everything else of more importance in real life, I keep pretty busy. I am hoping for dry weather again before winter sets in. I'd like to mow one more time, but it's too wet.
Politics are going on as usual, nothing interesting really going on. I'm trying to listen to Air America and I'm not that impressed with it. Everyone on Air America seems to be shrill and nasty. Except Al Franken, who seems to be bland and nasty. Stephanie Miller is the lefty version of Ann Coulter and both are quite attractive and bright women. I'd like to see them in a wrestling ring battling it out, pudding optional. But I am trying to listen with an open mind.
More catastrophes this year than usual. My heart goes out to those affected. I hope the economy holds out from the impact of them all. I suspect it will do just fine. If another hurricane rips through New Orleans, I hope more of them get out this time.
Same old stuff here at work. One project after another.
Waiting to win the lottery or retire. Who isn't?
But here I am again. Not to really say anything important, but to comment on a new phenomenon for me. Sure I get tons of spam email. I delete them, but they keep pouring in quicker than mail I 'want' to get. I get the occasional spam posting in my Yahoo groups, and I enjoy banning their sorry asses from my Yahoo groups and deleting their posts.
But this is a first for me. Blog spammers. On this blog, yes my only blog.
There have been two so far and I'm not expecting it to stop anytime soon. I'll just keep deleting them. I'm sure they are from the same a**hole and I really don't care about 'stay at home businesses' or anything like that. That means that they spend too much time online and really don't have a social life. And I sure as hell don't want some spammer 'acting' like a real person with so much time on their hands, they are posting to my blog about it. Spammers are an annoyance. And they are usually just forms of software sending out tons of stuff to anywhere it can and not really a person at all. In this case, I address the people writing the software.
Heck, I'd love to get some postings from some real people with real lives and some real ideas. But those are few and far between. And usually from a close personal friend to pays a quick visit to the blog. Thanks! I appreciate your visits!
But as for the bloody spammers out there, please sod off or piss off or f*** off! I'll delete them as quickly as I am notified by email that they are there. And I'll do it with glee. But I'd rather that the spammers just disappeared off the face of this planet. And I don't particularly care where they go.
Have a good day all!
Except the spammers, of course, you lot can have a sorry, rotten, miserable, and pathetic day!
I really haven't had much to say on this blog lately. And I figured that not much would happen here. What with emails, Yahoo Groups, Yahoo 360 sites, and everything else of more importance in real life, I keep pretty busy. I am hoping for dry weather again before winter sets in. I'd like to mow one more time, but it's too wet.
Politics are going on as usual, nothing interesting really going on. I'm trying to listen to Air America and I'm not that impressed with it. Everyone on Air America seems to be shrill and nasty. Except Al Franken, who seems to be bland and nasty. Stephanie Miller is the lefty version of Ann Coulter and both are quite attractive and bright women. I'd like to see them in a wrestling ring battling it out, pudding optional. But I am trying to listen with an open mind.
More catastrophes this year than usual. My heart goes out to those affected. I hope the economy holds out from the impact of them all. I suspect it will do just fine. If another hurricane rips through New Orleans, I hope more of them get out this time.
Same old stuff here at work. One project after another.
Waiting to win the lottery or retire. Who isn't?
But here I am again. Not to really say anything important, but to comment on a new phenomenon for me. Sure I get tons of spam email. I delete them, but they keep pouring in quicker than mail I 'want' to get. I get the occasional spam posting in my Yahoo groups, and I enjoy banning their sorry asses from my Yahoo groups and deleting their posts.
But this is a first for me. Blog spammers. On this blog, yes my only blog.
There have been two so far and I'm not expecting it to stop anytime soon. I'll just keep deleting them. I'm sure they are from the same a**hole and I really don't care about 'stay at home businesses' or anything like that. That means that they spend too much time online and really don't have a social life. And I sure as hell don't want some spammer 'acting' like a real person with so much time on their hands, they are posting to my blog about it. Spammers are an annoyance. And they are usually just forms of software sending out tons of stuff to anywhere it can and not really a person at all. In this case, I address the people writing the software.
Heck, I'd love to get some postings from some real people with real lives and some real ideas. But those are few and far between. And usually from a close personal friend to pays a quick visit to the blog. Thanks! I appreciate your visits!
But as for the bloody spammers out there, please sod off or piss off or f*** off! I'll delete them as quickly as I am notified by email that they are there. And I'll do it with glee. But I'd rather that the spammers just disappeared off the face of this planet. And I don't particularly care where they go.
Have a good day all!
Except the spammers, of course, you lot can have a sorry, rotten, miserable, and pathetic day!